Sunday, December 17, 2006

Whitebait Fritters and Cherry and Apple Crumble...

Okay. I told the people that I'm boarding with that I'd cook for them last night (if you take the time of this post) and I did.

I went to the fish markets and found some Whitebait on sale so I bought it. $10 not bad although I didn't buy the New Zealand stuff. This is from the Indian Ocean. Still tasted great.

Also made Cherry and Apple Crumble using up some cherries I'd bought last week.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Me with short curly hair

One of my typical hair lengths. This is far easier to manage. After driving with the top down in my convertible long hair ends up a tangled mess. So this one is a good one for summer as well as being cooler.

Fishheads, fishheads, yummy scrummy fishheads!

Well not quite but still fish. My friend Eva gave me this wonderful recipe for Fish Cakes. I tried it out on my friends parents, who I currently board with. They loved them, I loved them and hey they even looked good :-)